FUCK DMCAFUCK DMCAFUCK DMCAThe blocked vps is the funeral fee you saved for your parents. When the funeral fee is enough, your parents will die, and they gave birth to you.If there is really retribution for good and evil, I hope your entire family will die without a burial place, and I will give the money to your bitch mothers to buy syphilis medicine?You bastards should be killed. If some stupid woman gives birth to your child, I hope your descendants will be slaves and prostitutes for generations to come.Small websites like yours have been complained about and blocked, so they must have no descendants. They are habitual offenders, and they cheat in all kinds of ways. It is precisely because your American father is involved in the whole world that VPSs are blocked even if they are not in the United States?!You shut down my $3 VPS, which is not a lot of money, but definitely not a small amount. I want to make you unhappy for the rest of your life, sick for no reason, and poor for the rest of your life! So I opened a karaoke funeral home for you.You want me to delete this site? Unless the DMCA goes away, you guys are a bunch of assholes.English|Japan|한국인|繁體|简体